Figma is the best design software today, especially for any type of UX/UI and product design. Here are the top 7 reasons why Figma is the best. These are my honest opinions, and I am not sponsored in any way.
Related: 6 Best UX/UI Design Softwares for 2021
Truthfully, Figma is the best out of all of them. A part of me hates to admit it because I grew up with Sketch, and I was one of the biggest Sketch promoters for as long as I can remember. I was also super excited when Adobe XD dropped, and spent many hours trying to learn all the new features, which I loved.
But then, one day, I discovered Figma. Now, Figma is my sole design program for any type of digital creation.
I use it to create UX/UI design, social media posts, blog graphics, and to make my CV and job applications. I even use it to make bad memes and shitposts. It’s my best work and design buddy.
I recommend it to everyone who designs anything digitally, and to beginners that want to learn UX/UI design but don’t know where to start or what to pay for. Spoiler alert: Figma is free!
What is Figma?

Apart from being the best design software that exists, Figma is an entirely cloud-based, collaborative design tool. Since it is cloud-based, it means that you don’t even have to download any software to use it. You just need to create an account.
You can log into your Figma account and start creating using any computer, tablet, or phone available; as long as you have an internet connection. Except, that you can use Figma offline as well. Did you hear me? You can use Figma even without the internet!
The only thing that happens if you don’t have an internet connection is that your new changes won’t automatically and immediately get saved to the cloud. But it will be stored in your browser, and synced once back online.
“If you continue working, Figma will store any changes you make in your browser, and sync them when you’re back online.” – From Figma’s website
Of course, this could on occasion prove a tiny bit of a problem. Which is the only downside to the entire app.
Now, let’s move on to the important part of this article!
Top 7 Reasons: Why Figma is the Best

Figma is the best for a million reasons, but here are some of the reasons why I love it more than other design software (such as Sketch, Adobe XD, and Invision). Firstly, let’s cover the basics.
Figma does have all the important features that you want and get from other design software as well (layers, groups, color picking tools, prototyping, sharing, screen mirror, and more). But such things only make Figma at least as good as all other design programs.
In addition to all the basic features, what makes Figma the best is:
1. Entirely cloud-based (You only need an internet connection)
Figma is entirely cloud-based, which means that you only need an internet connection to use it. I mean, it is the only thing you need.
This means that you never have to worry about transferring files and documents between different computers, tablets, or phones. You don’t need to worry about losing your laptop and all your work, or keeping tons of backups on different hardware.
I can’t count how many times I’ve been grateful for this. Especially since I switch between computers and tablets like a crazy maniac. I love being able to leave all of my devices at home, go out, and just start creating wherever I find a device with an internet connection.
As Forbes wrote in their article, Figma does to design what Google Docs did for word processing and what GitHub did for code.
“The mission today is simple: As Google Docs did for word processing and GitHub for code, so Figma is doing for design. “The entire economy is going from physical to digital, and design is just the latest chapter,” Field says.”
I agree with this statement so much. Everything that can, is being moved from physical to digital (as it should). Design is no different.
Now, by using Google Docs for all my writing, and Figma for all my designs, I feel so free. I can move, relocate, and change whatever physical surroundings I have, and still have access to all my files, documents, and work.
If that isn’t modern-day work freedom, what is?
2. It’s free!
Another thing that I almost can’t believe to be true, is that Figma is entirely free. That’s why I recommend Figma to anyone. Because as long as you have internet connect, and even if you don’t have any money, you can still use Figma.
This is one additional thing that I think answers the question of why Figma is the best. Not only does it have all the necessary features, it is entirely cloud-based, but it is also free.
Of course, Figma also has a paid plan. However, that plan is primarily marketed towards companies and successful freelancers, who can afford to pay that price for the extra features. Figma has always seemed to have a nice culture (IMO).
3. Figma’s great culture, community, and helpfulness
The third biggest reason why I think Figma is the best is because of its culture and contribution to the design community.
From the start, I’ve had a really good gut feeling about Figma. Even before it got as big as it is now, it felt like the purpose, aim, and values behind this invention were good.
Figma has an incredible library of resources, including their community files which encourage designers to collaborate, share, and discover each other’s work. In addition, they also have super helpful guides and articles that promote design and help their users in the best way.
It’s not a secret that I love Figma’s plugins and community files with all the articles I’ve curated about them such as:
- Best Figma Fonts | Find Modern Google UI Fonts
- 8 Best Figma Plugins (2021) Design Systems & Developers
4. Collaborative
In addition to all of those things, I love how collaborative Figma is. It is so easy to share your files and documents with others. You just click on a link and then share that link.
In addition, you can see other people’s movements in documents live. So you can play games, comment and chat at the current time, and collaborate so much more intuitively. Just as if you were standing next to each other.
5. Export design prototypes to code
Using Figma, you can also take your design, and export it as code! And I mean: You get an HTML & CSS code, automatically generated from your design. Isn’t that the future?
6. Designer-developer handoff
Figma is also absolutely great for designer-developer handoff. This is all because of how easy it is to share files, how collaborative it is, and that you can export the design as code with one click!
When you share design files with developers, they can also inspect any elements very effectively. This helps and removes any question marks about paddings, margins, hex-codes, and so on. It’s great.
7. Easy to learn
Let’s be honest, learning new software for any creative work can feel overwhelming. In the past, I have spent countless hours looking up tutorials on how to do the simplest things in software such as After Effects and Photoshop.
Figma, however, is very easy to learn. It is intuitive. And anything that you can’t immediately figure out on your own, you can find great tutorials on.
In conclusion
Figma is the best design software out there today. It is free, cloud-based, intuitive, collaborative, good for designer-developer handoffs, and has the friendliest company profile ever.
The accompanying Figma community has tons of plugins and files that are being shared between designers are a great contribution to the design community as well.
Try it! And love it. By the way, every single graphic on this blog post was created entirely with Figma.
I’m starting now and I feel like the Figma. interface looks more attractive for me.